Starting the Year with Intention


How are we already one full month into 2024? For us, it has been a busy month full of reflection and planning for the year ahead. As we started thinking about our work and our lives over the coming year, we landed on the word intention.

The power of intention is a widely discussed topic, with countless resources emphasizing its significance. In a time when distractions are knocking on our door 24/7, living with intention is a game-changer, especially for leaders. 

As we dive into the new year, we encourage you to kick off with intention, letting it be your guiding force in leadership. Let's explore what intention means for us and how you can elevate your leadership through intentional living. 

What Does Intention Mean For Me?

For us at Nova Leadership, intention is not just a buzzword; it's a compass that starts with clarity on values. Values serve as the foundation, the North Star guiding your decisions and actions. We start our annual planning, and indeed many of our weekly meetings with a moment to calibrate on intention. Knowing your foundation can guide where you’re going. Leading with intention is not merely about quiet thought; it's about turning those thoughts into purposeful actions that resonate with your core values.

Recently, Forbes published an article on the topic “24 Transformative Intentions For 2024 (And Ways To Implement Them)”. The article suggests regularly assessing your habits, routines, and circumstances to distinguish between what benefits and hinders you. This ongoing reflection and adjustment process will enable you to prioritize strategies that improve your life while letting go of those impeding your progress.

Living with Intention: A Choice & Action

As leaders, your actions carry more weight than words. Your treatment of others is a reflection of your intentions, and when intention is combined with attention, it forms a powerful combination. Your focus and energy determine the tone of your leadership journey. Living intentionally is a conscious choice, directing your time to what matters most and aligning actions with your values. Brene Brown, a regular source of inspiration for us, provides a valuable tool to bridge the gap between values and behavior. Check out her new tool here.

Four Quick Hacks for Actionable Intention

  • Trust Your Gut: In moments of quiet reflection, your values emerge. Trust your gut instincts to guide you in making decisions that align with what truly matters. There’s scientific evidence that backs up this gut-based decision-making; we’ve learned to trust this internal compass.

  • Capture It: Write down your values. Keep the list short and meaningful. Define what living with intention means to you, and set clear markers to gauge your progress. Ask yourself when you’re feeling unsure about an action or a decision: how does this align with my values?

  • Phone a Friend: Reach out to a trusted advisor, whether it's your coach or a close friend. Social connections play a crucial role in supporting your intentions. According to a LinkedIn article by Dr. Cynthia Barnett, social connections are crucial for our well-being, contributing to mental, emotional, and physical health. We know this. Meaningful relationships offer support, understanding, and a sense of belonging, enriching our lives. 

  • Curate Your Circle: Consider the people and activities in your life that support your intentions. Focus on increasing your time and energy on those aligned with your values and strategize to minimize engagement with those who are not. And…if you really want to deepen this practice, keep reading! 

Supercharge Your Intentions: Join Us in Italy!

“The immersion was life-changing for me…I find myself reflecting on that experience at least once a week...The work I did in Italy is still unfolding and it is exactly what I needed to explore.”

To dig deep into living a life of intention, consider joining us in Umbria. Early bird pricing ends soon, so seize the opportunity to supercharge your intentions for the year ahead.

New Year, New Intentions

Starting the year off with intention is not just a resolution; it's a commitment to live out your values in your actions. At Nova Leadership, we know that real leadership and real transformation is an ongoing process and one that starts from within. We know that being clear on who you are, and what you really want allows you to live and lead with intention. 

And living with intention makes all the difference. 


Empower Your Leadership: Join Us for the 2024 Retreat in Italy


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